Charting a Life Course Together
LifeBrothers® was founded in 2012 as a unique life coaching program focused on fostering healthy life choices in young men, setting them up for success now and later in life.
About the LifeBrothers Program
DAVID HAGAN, LifeBrothers’ founder, speaks with students honestly, straightforwardly, and from the heart. He shares his personal experience and what he has learned from young men throughout his lifetime so participants have a solid, successful college career and life. David has presented this program to over 10,000 young men throughout the southeast.
Interested in booking a LifeBrothers presentation for young men in your fraternity, school, group, or organization? Contact us to learn more.
LifeBrothers’ Method
When social media demands perfection, LifeBrothers fosters personal excellence.
When society encourages solitude, LifeBrothers encourages mutual support and growth.
When peer pressure promotes bad habits, LifeBrothers teaches healthy balance.
LifeBrothers is About:
Being brothers, not critics
Making better life choices and habits – to deliver our desired future
Accepting each other for who we are
Instilling personal best – not comparing ourselves to others
Building men up – our mistakes don’t define us
Watching out for each other through life’s highs and lows
We are our brothers’ keepers
Our goal is to help each other be healthy, happy, safe and successful – for life
Young men in our high schools and colleges are telling us they need more support as they navigate the difficulties of peer pressure, social media, and educational demands.
Statistics on Young Men’s Health
77% of college students experienced moderate to serious psychological distress
35% of students were diagnosed with anxiety
27% had depression
89% of students who face academic challenges say they affect their mental health
28% of students said they often feel isolated from others
Only 40% of students think their school is doing enough to support student mental health
It’s time to offer these young men the support they need.
The LifeBrothers Impact
Found Speaker Engaging
Found LifeBrothers Meaningful/Helpful
Would Recommend to Friends/Loved Ones
Here’s What Attendees are Saying…
“I thought the presentation was very valuable and I now feel more confident about myself.”
“This was one of the best presentations I’ve ever been to and definitely the most impactful.”
“Keep it up. That was an amazing presentation!”
A Message from Founder David Hagan
“The most toxic force on our campuses today is the pressure to project an image of perfection – we believe we must be handsome, smart, athletic and popular. Perfection does NOT exist – strive for excellence. Let me show you how amazing you are where it matters most… in your heart.”
Watch this video to learn more about the LifeBrothers presentation…