About LifeBrothers
LifeBrothers® is a unique life coaching presentation focused on fostering healthy life choices in young men, setting them up for success now and later in life.
LifeBrothers Mission:
Being brothers, not critics
Making better life choices and habits – to deliver our desired future
Accepting each other for who we are
Instilling personal best – not comparing ourselves to others
Building men up – our mistakes don’t define us
Watching out for each other through life’s highs and lows
We are our brothers’ keepers
Our goal is to help each other be healthy, happy, safe and successful – for life
A Message from David Hagan, Founder of LifeBrothers
I’ve always had a passion for helping young men.
My extensive background in fraternity leadership gave me the unique opportunity to speak with hundreds of young men from all across the nation. As brothers, they trusted me with their hopes and dreams, concerns and fears, in a way that they were often too hesitant to discuss with their own parents. I, in turn, was open with them about my own struggles as a college student and young man. I shared stories of my own difficulties, and the efforts it took to overcome those darkest days.
I shared that my fear of failure or not living up to expectations had led me to severely abuse alcohol in college. On multiple occasions, I even had thoughts of self harm due to the overwhelming pressure. Like too many young men still today, I was convinced I was the only one who had issues. I thought I wasn’t as smart, athletic or good-looking as the other guys. Worse, I had no one I trusted with these fears, and weathered them alone.
When I found myself in a place of leadership of young men, I understood the responsibility I had to these students who placed their trust in me. I understood the deep cost of too many young men feeling unheard or misunderstood, and I knew I must find a way to offer them the support and wisdom I craved all those years ago.
At Chapter meetings, I began offering my business card to every young man present, instructing each to put it in his wallet. I invited each to call me if they had a troubling personal issue with the assurance that our conversations would be held in strict confidence. I told them, “You will never get in trouble when you ask for my help…If you get in as much trouble asking for help as you do getting caught, who will ever ask for help?”
That small gesture of offering a business card opened the floodgates. They started calling me, coming to meet with me—dozens of young men sharing every issue imaginable. They opened up and shared overwhelming issues, telling me that I was the only person they had ever told. It was the most humbling experience of my life.
I still hand every young man I meet my business card. I still invite them to call me with their personal issues, their concerns, their fears. However, those early chapter meetings were merely the spark that lit the flame of LifeBrothers. Today, thousands of young men have taken the LifeBrothers Promise.
The LifeBrothers Promise
In developing LifeBrothers, I realized that most men do not share their issues, fearing they will cause others to think less of them as a man. This fear is driven by societal rules, stigmas and barriers fabricated by social media and pop culture. Given the many wrong and mixed messages in society, is it any wonder our young adults are so confused?
With the help of over one hundred men, I wrote the LifeBrothers Promise, a 20-point promise focused on removing every societal rule, stigma and barrier which discourages men from discussing their issues. The LifeBrothers Promise allows men to discuss any issue without fear, shame or hesitation. The Promise is simple but profound in its power to transform lives and create the fraternal bond that many men seek but few men find.
Today with LifeBrothers, I can help young men all over the country make better choices and habits to deliver their desired future.
LifeBrothers on Campuses Nationwide
David has made presentations to over 10,000 attendees, including students and camp counselors in groups ranging in size from 20-750 from the following schools and summer camps.
Auburn University
University of Alabama at Tuscaloosa
University of North Alabama
University of Delaware*
George Washington University*
The Lovett School
University of Maryland*
Washington College*
University of Mississippi (“Ole Miss”)
Princeton University*
Appalachian State University
Davidson College
Duke University
East Carolina University
Elon University
Falling Creek Camp
High Point University
NC State University
UNC Chapel Hill
UNC Charlotte
UNC Greensboro
UNC Wilmington
Wake Forest University
Western Carolina University
Wingate University
Clemson University
College of Charleston*
Francis Marion University*
Furman University*
Newberry College*
Presbyterian College
University of South Carolina
Wofford College*
University of the South – Sewanee
College of William & Mary*
George Mason University*
Hampden-Sydney College*
James Madison University*
Randolph-Macon College*
Roanoke College*
University of Richmond*
University of Virginia
Virginia Episcopal School
Virginia Tech*
Virginia Wesleyan*
Washington & Lee University*
West Virginia
Marshall University*
West Virginia University*
West Virginia Wesleyan*
*Male students from these schools heard David speak at regional conferences held at VMI and UNC-Charlotte
The LifeBrothers Impact
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